Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to Eat!

How do you Eat?

Do you know what to eat?

These questions need some clarification.

Eating 6-8 small meals per day is a great way to speed up that metabolism and burn extra calories. How? When you eat your body digests the food, this process fires up the metabolism and creates some fat burning.

So would it make sense to eat more frequently, to create this fat burning effect more often throughout the day? You bet!

What to eat is another common item which is pondered. It is important to eat low glycemic, high fibre foods as often as possible. Low glycemic, high fibre foods, create a full feeling and sustain your glucose stores at healthy level.

Low glycemic options include... Fruits/Veggies. Legumes, Beans, Whole Grains, Nuts, Popcorn, Oatmeal etc..

Try adding these foods in your food plan to reduce weight, tone up and feel healthier!


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