Monday, January 14, 2008

Weight Loss is Tough!

I admit it, I love infomercials.

I don't know what it is about them that gets be hooked. The acting, the visuals, the sales message.

And now since we're right smack in the middle of January, the fitness and weight loss infomercials are in full force.

You can't click your remote without stumbling upon another fitness infomercial.

Yesterday, there was a product (whose name I won't mention), was on the tube, and they talked about how much weight you can lose by taking this pill.

But every time they said you will lose weight taking this product, they also said very clearly "along with proper diet and exercise."

Thank you genius.

If you had the proper diet and a sound exercise program, you'd lose weight without your overpriced pill.

You see, I have a simple view of weight loss.

Eat better. Exercise more.

Drink less soda and juice and drink more water.

Cut out as many sugars as you can and eat more protein and veggies.

If you are going to take a supplement, make it something you really need like an essential fatty acid. I recommend

And when you exercise, do it intensely for a few minutes (just like in my bootcamps!)

That's it.

Stop wasting money on ab machines or insane gadgets.

Keep it simple.

Eat better. Exercise more.
(the right type of exercise)

There are enough distractions in our life, we don't need more to think about when it comes to our health.

Stay Healthy, Arran

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