Sunday, December 2, 2007

Shop the Outside Aisles!

How to maximize Weight Loss, Shop the outside Aisles!

This simple step will help take you away form the processed foods in the most. Most stores have the dairy, produce, meat, fish, on the outside of the store!

Stores need easy access to these diary, produce, meat and fish because they are perishable foods!

Thus shopping on the outer parts of the store gets you to the most healthy items that should form the bulk of your diet- the lean proteins and the nutrient rich fruits and vegetables!

The processed foods are for the most part in the middle of the store. You have your cereals, chips, candy, cookies, crackers which are the five deadly C's which you want to avoid as much as possible.

However there is good choices in the middle such as canned vegetables and frozen veggies, along with canned sardines, tuna, and salmon - all protein sources.

Just remember to eat healthy and stick to your lean proteins, veggies, dairy and whole grains!

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